Goodbye…for now

Published on 16 March 2024 at 07:33

Salam readers, Jazak'Allah Khair for reading my blog and for those who reached out to me. 
After this date, my blog will be deactivated and probably lost in the internet world. If you happen to come across this blog, I hope it serves the best interest for you. 

It was a difficult decision to stop 'writing' and sharing. It's amazing to see that I have a great number of readers and it's definitely an achievement to be found in Google too. Statistics has been encouraging too. However, some things will come to an end. 


I have not been posting any since the Gaza event. In fact, I have 4 drafts that I have yet to post. About making friends with neighbours and the local community, on how to write your resume in Australia here, about challenges as a Muslim and the different Malay community groups found here. 

My perspective of life changed a lot after seeing the catastrophic event happening to my Muslim brothers and sisters. It has been traumatic and I keep learning to heal and heal. I have been on a journey of self-healing. I love this solitude and the relationship I have with Allah. I won't expect for people to understand me but I appreciate for those who gives me and my family space to heal. I appreciate how Allah always blesses me and my family with opportunities and love when we needed it the most. 

Jazak'Allah Khair to the family from Malaysia who reached out to us and gifted us books. I am ever so grateful and I hope our paths crossed again in the near future. May Allah reward my readers for their acts of worship and may your journey of migration be full of barakah. 

On my way, on my way Jannah. 

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